Anti-Money Laundering News and Insights

Stay up-to-date with Anti-Money Laundering news and insights from New Zealand's AML experts. Learn more about the ever-changing AML world, and get the latest tips on how you can manage your AML obligations.

Plugging the gaps in your AML programme

Plugging the gaps in your AML programme

Supervisors’ tolerance for gaps in AML programmes shortens

On August 2021, the FMA issued its AML/CFT Monitoring Insight Report for 2018 to 2021. The Director of Supervision noted that the AML/CFT regime has now matured to such an extent that the FMA has less tolerance for AML non-compliance. In other words, businesses are expected to have a strong handle on meeting their AML/CFT obligations.

We can expect this view to be true for the other Supervisors: DIA and RBNZ.

4 top tips for managing your AML

4 top tips for managing your AML

You have to do AML — but it doesn't have to take your whole day. Read our 4 top tips for managing your AML/CFT programme better.

1. Get the business working as a team

Your frontline staff, compliance team, and management must work together as a team to meet the business AML obligations.

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