Anti-Money Laundering News and Insights | AMLHUB Blog

Annual AML/CFT reports coming up for 2023

Written by Jasmine Baggeley | Jun 12, 2023 9:10:19 PM

Your annual AML/CFT report is due between 1 July and 31 August 2023. Get started now!

Every year reporting entities are required to file an annual return with their Supervisors. For phase 2 entities (law, accounting, real estate, financial service providers) this is done online via the DIA AML Online portal.

The annual report can be filed online any time between 1 July and 31 August 2023. The last day of August is the last day these annual reports can be provided.

It is a statutory requirement for reporting entities to provide the annual AML/CFT report, and it is wise to start preparing it sooner rather than later.

How AMLHUB can help prepare the report

AMLHUB clients should run a management report with a custom date field for the period of 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. This will provide the data required to be filed (for example, how many companies, trusts, and individuals you onboarded during this time).

Get help in completing your annual report

If you need help preparing your annual AML/CFT report, we provide this service starting at $500 +GST. Spaces are strictly limited, so please book your spot as soon as possible.